Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

Snap Tool


The snap tool is an extension that allows the user to "snap" to specific increments for exact rotations and alignments. To enable or disable snap, simply click the toolbar icon to toggle it back and forth. To edit the settings of the snap, simply right click the icon to set.

Snap menu

When you right click the Snap Tool, the Snap rollout appears.

Snap Settings Opens the Settings Panel (See Below)
Increment Snap When Snap to Increment is selected the increments used in Snap Settings are Used
Face Snap When Snap to Face is selected the selected object will snap to nearby faces

Snap Settings

These options are relative only to Incremental Snap Mode and define the distance of each snap "jump".

X/Y/Z Rotation The number of units in Centimeters to use for Incrementing Snap Position
X/Y/Z Rotation The number of degrees to use for Incrementing Snap Rotation
Scale The number of scalar value to use for Incrementing Snap Scale
Note: The snap tool in LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse is a relative snapping tool. This means that the snap will be incremental to whatever your current position/rotation/scale is. For example, if you have an object rotated 1 degree then set snapping on for 90 degree increments, the rotation will be 91, 181, 271, etc.